The Consortium includes all the 23 companies which produce Culatello di Zibello PDO and, in June 2010, obtained the prestigious recognition from the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF). This acknowledgement boosts the activities to protect and promote Culatello di Zibello.

The Consortium, by means of a special mark, guarantees the consumer that Culatello di Zibello respects exactly the traditions and is made 'as it used to be'.

The Consortium

for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello

The Consortium for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello was founded on January 8, 2009 with the aim of defending, sealing and promoting the quality and authenticity of Culatello di Zibello PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), a true gem of Italian charcuterie. Every day, producers are committed to guaranteeing its origin, authentic manufacturing and tradition.

In order to do this, they use precise specifications and strict regulations. Moreover, strict controls are put in place, carried out by the CSQA Certification Body (the body appointed by the MIPAAF) on the entire production chain, including the all-Italian origin of the meat. More specifically, only pork legs from the regions of Emilia Romagna and Lombardy must be used to obtain Culatello di Zibello PDO.

A question of labelling

The Consortium for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello has established, with its own specific directive, that all the PDO Culatellos of Consortium producers must bear the consortium mark. This mark displays a stylised historical pig, a symbol of the product’s ancient roots and distinctiveness.

How can it be recognised?

First, check the Consortium flag showing the month and year of production and the label on which the protected designation of origin is stamped.

Then, observe its appearance. Culatello has features that make it different from all other cold cuts. First of all, the colour of the meat: red, uniform and with marbling of white fat. And again, the penetrating aroma, with slight musky aromatic notes.

The taste of Culatello di Zibello has no peers or rivals.

There is culatello and culatello...

Since June 28, 2017, by virtue of the so-called ‘decree’ on charcuterie products, only cured meat products, tied with string and matured for at least 9 months, can use the generic name ‘Culatello’.

Our Producers

Agricola Tre Valli soc. coop. – Negroni

Production Site: Via Ghizzi n. 24, 43010 Zibello (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 99122
Registered office: Via Valpantena n. 18/g – 37142 Quinto di Valpantena (VR)
Ph: +39 045 8097511 – +39 045 551589
EEC Stamp: IT 480 L CE

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Negroni is one of the best known brands of cured meats in Italy. For over one hundred years, it has been a leader in high quality charcuterie and the point of reference among consumers.
The production of NEGRONI Culatello di Zibello is carried out in the rooms and centuries-old cellars of Villa Gambara. The sundial on the façade of this 17th century residence seems to highlight the important role of time in every single stage of production of NEGRONI cured meats.
In the 1950s, innovative production lines were set up to support the manual work of our master pork butchers.
It was only from this relationship of mutual respect and strict discipline that the artisan laboratory of Villa Gambara gave life to its D.O.P. certified Culatello di Zibello.
The skilful art of the hands of the master charcutiers is a guarantee of the high quality of the D.O.P. Culatello, whose preparation ritual follows different phases and manual processes, but united by the same care, the same calm and the same touch of the NEGRONI butchers. The selection of the meat is rigorous and accurate, and so is the preparation of the individual ingredients of the recipes that have not been modified over the years.
In a sequence of gestures and actions, the master charcutiers bag, sew, tie, caress and seal each product by hand, fully aware that each piece they process represents a small piece in the centuries-old history of this ancient artisan tradition.
This is the only way to make Culatello di Zibello D.O.P. synonymous of know-how, passion and exclusivity. This is why the Selections of Zibello represents the point of arrival of a journey that begins with the choice of raw materials and has its end with the satisfaction that the customer experiences at the moment of tasting.

Al Vedel srl

Via Vedole n. 68, 43052 Colorno (PR)
Telephone: +390521 816169
EEC Stamp: IT 1949 L CE

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We are proud of our tradition. Indeed, Al Vèdel was established back in 1780, when ‘siora’ Cleofe decided to turn what had until then been a rustic cottage adjacent to a farmhouse into a food shop and restaurant. After this beginning, the history of Vèdel fully matches with that of the Bergonzi family, from Ernestino to the current owners Monica and Enrico, and with the passing of generations the trattoria’s fame has spread among Parma families and amongst lovers of good food who, today as in the past, can sit down in a warm and welcoming environment where flavours and aromas keep alive a story that began so long ago.
Le Vedole is an ancient land of cured meats, and Al Vèdel produces Culatello di Zibello DOP, the one which is protected by the Consorzio for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello. This would be sufficient to understand the quality of the products that come out of the trattoria’s ageing rooms, but we would also like to talk about the animals being chosen with extreme care, the daily checks on the new-born culatello, the first maturation in the south and the second in the north, and finally the cellar, which is visible, in which the walls and the floors are the same ones that ‘siora’ Cleofe used to see and the muddy clay soil still gives the precious humidity that makes the noblest part of the pig’s thigh such a highly prized product all over the world. The Culatellos are just hanging there, resting in the quiet awareness of their goodness, knowing that the right guest is about to enter to appreciate them. But they are not the only ones, in the kingdom of the pig. Al Vèdel offers pancetta, matured for at least two years, fiocco, salami, cicciolara and ciccioli.

Antica Ardenga

Strada per Diolo, Loc. Chiavica, 43019 Soragna (PR)
Ph:: +39 339 4856800
EEC Stamp: IT B7Q7T CE 

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Antica Ardenga is a small company that produces limited quantities of cured meats from the Bassa Parmense.
The ‘Bassa’ is an area along the banks of the Po River, in the province of Parma, which has always been devoted, due to tradition and an ideal climate, to the production of high quality cured meats. Undoubtedly, the best known and most appreciated local product is Culatello di Zibello DOP, the undisputed king of Italian pork butchery; the production of other sausages and salamis, all of which have always been linked to local traditions, is also quite extensive. The company is one of the twenty-three producers that make up the Consorzio of Culatello di Zibello.
The Production reflects the techniques which have always been used by the pork butchers of the Bassa (Lower Po Valley). Then it is our humid cellars with their ideal microclimate that, together with the weather and fog, contribute to making them unique. To respect the tradition, our pigs are like those of yesteryear: born and bred on the farm, fed with the farm’s products, brought up to 14 months old and then slaughtered at around 260 kg. Naturally, everything is O.G.M. free.

Antica Corte Pallavicina s.r.l. – Terre Verdi

Via Sbrisi n.2, 43010 Polesine Parmense (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 96136
Str. Palazzo Due Torri – 43016 Polesine Zibello (PR)
Telefono: +39 0524 936539
EEC Stamp: IT 1819 L CE

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“Antica Corte Pallavicina’ is the brand that identifies our homemade production of cured meats. We are associate members of the Consorzio for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello. for which we have been striving hard. Today we can proudly say that we have contributed to maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the characteristics of the king of cured meats.
We have been producing cured meats for more than 150 years now! Our great-grandfather Carlo, the trusted butcher of Maestro Giuseppe Verdi, was the first! It was him who produced the salami and culatelli so much mentioned in the letters that the Maestro Verdi used to write to his friends ‘my best companions are salami, culatelli, spalle cotte and my wine’.
These jewels were only for the few! Only those who were already familiar with Culatello and knew how to appreciate that unique flavour that in the Bassa (Lower Po Valley) is defined by the elders as ‘fragrance’ or ‘tobacco, honeyed’. We have never stopped producing these Culatelli, but only for us and a few friends, as it is too difficult to make people understand why there are so many white dots, and to explain this intense, savoury flavour!
But now times seem to have changed, and increasingly more people understand Culatello!
Gold used to be one of the most precious things that farmers owned in just a few pieces: a necklace, a pair of earrings; but the other gold they treasured was in the cellar, guarded on sight, brushed and revered no less than the other, the Culatello!!! These Culatelli now have the brand of the Consorzio of Culatello di Zibello and enclose the knowledge of a family that has been producing them since the days of the Master!

Az. Agricola Brè del Gallo di Magnani Alfredo e C. snc

Strada Quarta n. 19, 43010 Località Fontanelle di Roccabianca (PR)
Telephone: +39 0521 370044
EEC Stamp: IT F8Q40 CE

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The Brè del Gallo company, located in the Municipality of Roccabianca, in the village of Fontanelle, the birthplace of the writer Giovannino Guareschi, according to the ancient family tradition, offers unique and memorable products, to be enjoyed not only with excellent cold cuts, but above all, with unforgettable memories….
The Magnani family’s passion for the King of cured meats, ‘Culatello di Zibello DOP’, has transformed what was once an ancient tradition into a delicious moment to be shared with those who love and appreciate the flavours and aromas of the past…… here Tradition is an art that is still alive!
After careful selection of the meat from local pigs, it is up to tradition and the expert hands of the butchers, with their secrets, to delicately prepare our cured meats
Our Culatelli are left to age for the drying period in the rooms of the farmhouse, where only the opening of the windows allows natural ventilation.
They are then left to age naturally in the centuries-old cellars of the homestead where the microclimate characterises the delicate aroma of our cured meats. The humid winter climate and the constant fog in our area facilitate the slow and long maturing process.
In addition to the delicious Culatello di Zibello DOP and Spalla Cruda di Palasone the other traditional local specialities are Coppa, Fiocchetto, Pancetta, traditional Salame and the delicate Strolghino salami.
As a perfect match to our cold cuts, from our lands we obtain the best grapes for the winemaking of Fortana, Dora Classic Method Brut Rosè and Fedo Classic Method Brut (aromatic Malvasia di Candia) wines.
Upon reservation, the company remains open to the public with the possibility of visiting the processing and ageing rooms. We have dedicated rooms for tasting our cured meats.

Cacciali Graziano srl

Via Gerenzana n. 3, 43016 – Polesine Zibello (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 99121

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Once upon a time, grandfather Augusto Cacciali, known as ‘Gusten’, after returning from the war, settled in Zibello and began to dedicate himself to cheese production, passing on all the secrets of the cheesemaker’s trade to his son Graziano, who then carried on the business side by side with the charcuterie business. This is how the history of the Cacciali Graziano company began, which in 2008 received the gold medal from the Chamber of Commerce for the Loyalty to Work Award for its 50 years of activity. Historically a member of the Parmesan Cheese DOP Consortium, in 2009 the owner was also one of the founding members of the Consorzio for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello DOP.
We are a small family-run business that produces typical cured meats in the respect of the tradition that has been handed down to us.

CroceDelizia di Carraglia Ernestino

Via Facchini n. 16, 43019 Soragna (PR)
Laboratory: Strada Emilia n. 1/A, 43019 Soragna (PR)
Shop: Via Trieste n. 4/B, 43019 Soragna (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 596061 – Fax: +39 0524 599690
EEC Stamp: IT 92991 L CE

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A family story: the re-discovered art of the ‘masalen’.
The history of CroceDelizia is the tale of a family that renews, while preserving, the tradition of the ‘masalen’, the pork butchers of the ‘Bassa’. This is how it was for Ernesto Carraglia, who learned from his father Ugo the techniques and secrets to select, process and season the pork and transform it into high quality cold cuts. CroceDelizia maintains over time a manual ‘doing’ and craftsmanship, in which innovation, just like salt, is dosed wisely, to maintain the knowledge/taste of tradition.


Dallatana srl

Via Provinciale n. 4/A, Roncole Verdi, 43011 Busseto (PR)
Phone: +390524 935024 – Fax: +39 0524 935054
EEC Stamp: IT 1959 L CE

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In 1998, Filippo and Fabrizio Dallatana were in their early twenties when they decided to rent a small charcuterie workshop in Sant’Agata di Villanova d’Arda (PC). At that time, the perception of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) was faint on the market, but their intuition inspired them to look for a territorial birth. Thus, in August 2004, the new D.O.P. plant was established in Roncole Verdi (Busseto- Parma), with 2,000 metre squares of surface area and natural underground cellars. This is the place where the dream of combining the passion born in the courtyard with the hand-crafted art of producing Culatello di Zibello DOP became a reality. It’s the Dallatana laboratory’s flagship product, along with Strolghino, Spalla Cruda and Felino Salami IGP. Dallatana’s Culatello di Zibello DOP is the result of the successful combination of family tradition, innovation and advanced technology, a product appreciated by the most important charcuteries and restaurants.
In order to produce and season the King of Italian deli meats, the Dallatana laboratory strives every day to stand out and make a difference. At our laboratory, the fresh thighs are delivered: the ink on the rind is checked for the tattoo showing the age and origin of the pig, as well as the texture and shape of the meat. The pork is then skinned, boned and cut up, all operations performed by hand in-house by the company staff. The salt-curing procedure is carried out by Dallatana’s laboratory and it is called balanced salting: precise quantities of salt, measured on the weighing scales are massaged according to the weight of each Culatello. Thanks to these precautions it has also been possible to reduce the amount of salt thanks to specific environmental conditions in the first processing stages (salting, resting and drying) in order to obtain a very mild product. After years of testing and research, Dallatana has developed a particular processing technique that has made it possible to obtain a Culatello with a specially designed shape, so as to have maximum yield and minimum waste. Dallatana Culatello is in fact distinguished by its rounded shape, free of excessive points. All Culatellos mature in natural cellars of a 17th century building with old oak beams, floors and original brick walls: in these rooms stands the Vecchio Mulino Dallatana restaurant, next to the house where Verdi was born, where it is possible to taste the cured meats produced and the traditional dishes of the Parma lowlands (“Bassa”). Today the Dallatana laboratory – which is open for guided tours – is licensed to export Culatello to Europe, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.

Delizierie Mastro Mezzadri – Lucca Filippo

Via Garani n.3 – 43016 Polesine Zibello (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 96151
Online shop:

EEC Stamp: IIT 9-3300 L CE

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A family-run business that controls the entire swine supply chain : from feeding to slaughtering and processing into high quality cured meats. All this by exploiting the humid air of the Po. In Polesine Parmense until 2014, Roberto Mezzadri, the master, was the oldest of the Consortium’s founding members, and owned a 35 hectares of farmland that were cultivated according to the criteria of integrated pest management, with cereals and forage to feed 200 pigs that, once they had reached the right weight, would have been transformed each year into 400 culatelli, 400 fiocchi, 400 coppe, 400 spalle, 400 pancette and the rest into sausages; in 2015 he passed the business on to his son Fernando and grandson Filippo. The company was founded in the 1950s and embodies the passion and dedication of a lifetime. Roberto Mezzadri has always chosen a high-profile handmade production, still working with the techniques of the past, which the two young men still carry on today. The care in the choice of meat and the processing as an ancient rite prepare a culatello that requires daily presence and commitment in the maturing process, which takes place in the old, non-air-conditioned cellars, where the dull red of the bare bricks is accompanied by the warm colour of the culatello gradually as the flow of time brings it to perfection. The geographical location creates a unique environment, where the humidity and mists rising from the great river are alternated with the summer heat, which are both necessary for maturing. “They are all cured meats of absolute integrity,” assures Fernando Mezzadri, the second generation exponent, ” in which there is no trace of preservatives, additives or stabilisers. The processing of the cured meats is strictly artisanal and in accordance with tradition. Even the preparation of our cured meats is a ritual that is handed down from father to son and from grandfather to grandson; that of Culatello di Zibello DOP, in particular, has its own unique procedure established by the Production Regulations. After moulding into the shape of a pear with the tip slightly tilted to one side, the curing process is carried out using a well-calculated mixture of salt and pepper. After a good massage, the culatelli together with the spalle, coppe and fiocchetti are left to rest for 7 – 8 days in a cool place, not without sprinkling them properly with a mixture of red wine and garlic. Depending on the weight of the cured meat, the maturing process can last up to 24 months”. The family tradition continues today with Filippo, the nephew of Mastro Roberto Mezzadri.

Erre Italia srl – Salumificio Rossi

Production Site: Via Provinciale, 91 – 43011 Busseto (PR)
Registered office: Via Nazionale Emilia, 124 43012 Sanguinaro (PR)
Telephone: 0521 825107
EEC Stamp: IT 708 L CE 

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The tradition of the ‘ROSSI’ family as producers of cured meats dates back to the 1800s when they started to produce in the back of a small village shop. Today, the family has reached the sixth generation, and represent an almost unique reality in the field in Italy.
Our main cured meats are Culaccia®, Culatello di Zibello DOP, Fiocco, Salame di Felino IGP, Salame Strolghino, Coppa di Parma IGP, Pancetta arrotolata, Spalla cotta di San Secondo and others.

Italia Alimentari SpA

Via Europa, 14 43011 Busseto (PR)
Telephone: +39 0376 68.01
Institutional website: 
Ibis brand website: 
EEC Stamp: IT 202 L CE

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Italia Alimentari is a group made up of several companies, whose core business is the production of cured meats.
Ibis Salumi is its historical brand, born more than fifty years ago in Busseto, in the centre of the Parma countryside, in an area that has always been considered the cradle of Italian high quality charcuterie. The territory is between the Via Emilia and the Po River, where the climate and traditions have always fostered the art of pork butchery.
The Salumificio di Busseto, initially founded as a bacon specialist, now produces a wide range of products: Parma specialities such as Culatello di Zibello DOP, Culatta and Coppa, cooked hams, salami and Mortadella. Ibis names one of the most consumer-recognised delicatessen products: Mortadella Cuor di Paese, which is ‘signed’ slice after slice with a heart.
Together with other plants, located in typical production areas – one in Valtellina which is specialised in the production of carpaccio and bresaola and one in Calabria which specialised in Calabrian charcuterie – Italia Alimentari’s offer covers the entire panorama of Italian charcuterie, with the addition of the main products with Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.) and Protected Geographical Indication (P.G.I.).
Italia Alimentari has chosen Ibis as the reference brand for Italy to best describe its values: people, territories and flavours that have made the company an important production reality that distributes in Italy and in 50 countries around the world, with a constantly evolving range of products.
Today, the company also features a concept store, Gourmé Soragna (in Soragna, in the province of Parma), where it is possible to taste and buy Culatello di Zibello Dop and other excellent charcuterie products from Emilia.

La Bastia Srl

Registered office: Via Circonvallazione Fosse 23, 46019 Viadana (MN)
Production Site 1 : Via Nazionale Emilia 41, 43010 Catelguelfo- Fontevivo (PR)
Production Site 2 : Via IV Novembre 11, 43010 Pieveottoville – Polesine Zibello (PR)
Production Site 3 : Via Bastia 4, 43010 Pieveottoville – Polesine Zibello (PR)
Telephone: +39 0521 619106
EEC stamp: IT R5E4R CE

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La Bastia is an all-Emilian story, which smells of fog and tells us of an extraordinary passion for this territory and its products. The meat, which comes from the Cerioli Farms in Viadana, is processed using artisan methods by our butchers, who jealously preserve in their expert hands ancient recipes handed down for over sixty years from grandfather Benassi to his grandchildren.
Producing our Culatello di Zibello DOP is a “work in progress” that transforms selected top-quality raw materials into a work of art of taste. All stages of production are carried out by hand, from preparing the cuts of meat to bagging.

The centuries-old cellars.
The slow maturing process takes place in the centuries-old cellars of our Zibello factory. Everything is done naturally, without forcing anything. From October to November, every night the fog penetrates the walls of our cellars to create the right humidity and encourage the formation of noble moulds. From this spell comes the extraordinary sweetness of Culatello di Zibello DOP La Bastia. The result is to be sliced, tasted and loved.

A ‘Jewel’ born from passion and tradition.
In the collection of artworks of Parma and its territory, Culatello di Zibello DOP holds a place of honour. It is a ‘Jewel’ whose history, together with the traditional processing techniques from which it originates, must be passionately preserved for future generations. This is why we do not treat or serve our Culatello like any other cured meat. The black string with which we tie it identifies it as the flagship of our production. It is the undisputed “king of Italian cured meats.”

Le Roncole di Pedretti Carduccio e C. Snc

Via della Processione n.179, 43010 Busseto (PR) – Loc. Roncole Verdi
Telephone: +39 0524 930015

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Sagem Srl – Rosa dell’Angelo

Strada Bottigone, 27 – 43011 Busseto (PR) 
Phone: +39 0521 844100 – +39 0521 930123 – Fax: +39 0521 341061
EEC Stamp: IT G1V5 R CE 

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Sagem srl produces its Culatelli di Zibello DOP under the brand name Rosa dell’Angelo on the ‘Podere Bottone’ estate in the countryside of the municipality of Busseto with all manual processing and a completely natural maturing cellar.
Sagem’s history began in the 1950s in the butcher’s shop in Parma and then developed in the 1980s in Traversetolo (PR), in the land of ham and traditional cured meats.

Salumi Minozzi di Minozzi Pamela

Località Frescarolo n.116, 43011 Busseto (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 97088

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It was back in 1976, in the countryside of the Parma Lowlands (“La Bassa”), when my father Angelo Minozzi started the production of his cured meats and today, as then, our business is based exclusively on the quality and deliciousness of our products, in the belief that these are values that are valid today and forever.
To guarantee all this, we select meat from pigs that are exclusively born and bred in Emila Romagna or Lombardy and our processing is totally manual. Our production takes place in natural environments, without any forcing, just like it used to be done in the past.
Our products are all gluten- and lactose-free.
The seasoning of our cold cuts takes place for the first six months on a mezzanine next to the workshop and then in our centuries-old cellar, with its typical brick floor laid on the ground and a small window, which is only opened in the morning to let in the humidity needed to give the fragrance that only our cold cuts have.
Since 1996 we have been among the founders of the Consorzio of the Culatello di Zibello, to make this ‘jewel’ of the Parma Lowlands tradition known and appreciated by a larger number of people.
In our shop you can find not just Culatello di Zibello DOP, but also many other products such as the spalla cruda (raw shoulder), salami, Strolghino, Fiocchetto, pancetta, Coppa, and in the winter period, Cappello del prete (“Priest’s hat”), Mariola and Cotechino.
Our company is a family run business and since 2014 it has been managed by me, Pamela Minozzi, together with my husband Alberto. We carry on our tradition that has been handed down to us and which still guides us today. Without passion our products would not taste the same and that is why we want to keep it alive for future generations.


Salumificio Cocchi Srl

Via F.lli Canvelli n. 5, 43010 Noceto (PR)
Telephone: +39 0521 625239 – Fax: +39 0521 620763
Production Site: Via Lavezzoli n. 22, 43010 Zibello (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 939063
EEC Stamp: IT X3R8 Z CE 

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Salumificio Cocchi Srl, founded in 1973 by Cav. Cocchi Ildebrando, has over 40 years of activity in the field of the famous Parmesan charcuterie tradition. The current headquarter and production plant is located in Noceto -Parma in Via F.lli Canvelli n. 5, EEC recognition number IT 719 L CE, whilst the production unit in Zibello -Parma-, is located in Via Lavezzoli 22/a EEC recognition number IT X3R8Z CE and is exclusively used for the production of Culatello di Zibello DOP. The company is qualified to export to Japan.
The family-run company’s primary objective is to obtain a premium quality product, in fact, all the swine meats used are exclusively Italian and the selected suppliers’ slaughterhouses, are the same as ever; nevertheless, the meat upon entry, is subjected to careful screening, careful trimming, then followed by the preparation of the dressing and dry salting without the use of brine.

Salumificio Ducale srl

Via Macello n.10, 43052 Colorno (PR)
Telephone: +39 0521 815476
EEC stamp: IT 9661 L CE 

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Founded 50 years ago by a fistful of local ‘masèn’, the Salumificio Ducale di Colorno has gradually attracted the attention, or better to say, the gluttony, of gourmets for the quality and consistency of its products, especially Culatello di Zibello, Salame Felino, Spalla cotta di San Secondo and Vescovo.
In full respect of a tradition that has one of its most prestigious cradles in its lowlands around Parma, the Salumificio Ducale has found its natural collocation by addressing itself directly to restaurants, delicatessens and gastronomies.
It is in this sanctum sanctorum of the culinary art, in fact, that the fruits of craftsmanship, conscientious and meticulous workmanship find their rightful exaltation for the delight of the most demanding palates.

Salumificio Squisito srl

Via Azzali, 67 – 43019 Diolo di Soragna – Parma (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 598206
EEC Stamp: IT G5E4 M CE

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The Salumificio Squisito is a small workshop, where the meat is skilfully and naturally processed by hand, according to the ancient tradition handed down from generation to generation and preserved with great respect by master pork butcher Angelo.
The raw material is of the highest quality since it is selected according to the strict specifications established by the Consortium.
Angelo’s great passion and respect for nature and the knowledge of the art of pork butchery, together with the maturing process in the old brick vaulted cellars and the damp, cold climate of the winter months, complete the repertoire, generating a symphony of flavours that is unique and inimitable.
If you would like to check the shop’s opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. from 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Terre Verdiane srl

Loc. Zona artigianale n. 9, 43010 Zibello (PR)
Telephone and Fax: +39 0524 932399
EEC Stamp: IT 2114 L CE

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In Zibello, the homeland of Culatello and cradle of Italian taste, Terre Verdiane produces the Culatello di Zibello DOP and other specialities of the cured meat industry of Emilia, including Culatta and Fiocco. A clear choice already in the name: Terre Verdiane produces only the typical charcuterie products of this territory, which derive from the great gastronomic culture of Emilia, a land where flavours are an art. After all, Culatello is one of the greatest masterpieces of Italian craftsmanship of taste, a treasure trove of refined flavour and an inevitably limited production, which is made exclusively using meat from Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.
The ingredients are those of the Parma farmhouses, the recipes are those of the farmers’ tradition.
The processing is made up of ritual and precious gestures: first the massaging by hand to favour the absorption of the mixture of salt, pepper, garlic and then the investiture in the pig bladder and the tying in the traditional pear shape.
Curing in the cellar is based on the humidity of the mists of the Parma lowlands (“La Bassa”), which soften these low-fat meats.
After about a year of maturing, Culatello is ready to delight the great connoisseurs of taste.
The spirit of Terre Verdiane is that of the past, when authenticity was a daily habit.
Terre Verdiane is one of the largest producers of Culatello di Zibello and holds export certifications, including for Canada, Japan and the USA.

Trattoria Campanini di Dadomo Maria e c. S.n.c.

Via Roncole Verdi n.136, 43100 Madonna dei Prati – Parma (PR)
Telephone: +39 0524 92569

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The Meadows of Colombarola, which gradually evolved into Madonna dei Prati, had no other notoriety than that derived from the religious practices held around the church, which periodically attracted crowds of devotees. The area therefore remained with the same characteristics of an immense expanse of green meadows for more than 200 years after the construction of the Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Prati. There were only three or four farmhouses (Colombarola, Servi, Cascina, Separata, which in dialect is called ‘Sparà’) but no other civil structures. So it happened that Don Leto Bocelli, Rector of the Oratory from 1909 to 1916, after a favourable experience in 1910 on the occasion of a pilgrimage of over 200 people from Borgo San Donnino, all housed under the portico that existed at the time, and all refuelled with a refreshment service provided by the esteemed former Colonel Claudio Ronchino of the Caffè Centrale in Busseto, felt that it was time to set up a refreshment point next to the church. He designated the aforementioned portico for this use, and at the end of the renovation works, the restaurant looked as it does in the old snapshot taken from a postcard of the time. It was opened on 07/05/1911. It was managed by Mr Oristodemo Oppici, Ugo’s father, to whom we must give credit – as we will say later – for having introduced the ‘torta fritta’ (fried dough bread) among the specialities of our area (until then it had only been made at home and occasionally). The three-year contract was terminated on expiry. It seems that the manager had not fulfilled his contractual duties, especially in relation to the obligations imposed by the seriousness of the place, which was sacred to religious practices rather than to drinking pleasures.

On 11/05/1915 Oppici was asked to leave, but he stayed until around November. And when he left, it was not to quit the business but to continue it with his sons in a modest place built a few dozen metres away. It was there that his son Ugo began to get started, helped by ‘Giulieta’ Paraffini, known as ‘la nera’ (the black woman), and it was from there that the nucleus of houses that today make up the ‘Centre’ of Madonna dei Prati began to be built. An attempt promoted by Don Urlati to have the location elevated to the status of a village in order to have a cemetery, school and telephone remained on the table for several years, but could not come to life due to the decreasing of the population. However, something arrived: the schools, inaugurated on 30/10/1954 but, sadly, closed after a few years, and the telephone. Now only the latter remains inside the ‘Trattoria dei Prati’ built as the final act in Madonna dei Prati by Ugo Oppici before he left for Coduro and Busseto, leaving the running of the business to Mario Pancini. Ugo Oppici’s grandson Romano Campanini then succeeded him and now his family, Turivia at the head leading its fortunes. It was precisely with the Campaninis that Ugo Oppici gave impetus and opened the door for the penetration of ‘torta fritta’ into the restaurants of the Bassa Parmense. Today, the Trattoria Campanini renews the tradition and continues the historical path of gastronomy in Madonna dei Prati. The management is assigned to the Campanini family, which offers its customers the typical dishes of the area, naturally enriched by the constant presence on the menu of the famous Culatello di Zibello, of which it is also one of the members of the Consorzio di Tutela, the ‘torta fritta’, which is made according to the ancient traditions of the area, and the good wine produced by the vineyards of the Bassa Parmense. The Trattoria Campanini offers traditional menus with a choice of typical local dishes in a venue that seats around sixty. During the processing of Culatello di Zibello DOP, you can visit the laboratory with a guided tour of the maturing areas. Next to the Trattoria, it is possible to buy local products (Culatello, Spalla Cotta and other cured meats, as well as typical wines from the area and Parmesan cheese) in the shop bearing the same name.

Trattoria La Buca srl

Via Ghizzi n. 6, 43010 Zibello (PR)
Telephone and Fax: +39 0524 99214

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At the foot of the Po river’s main embankment in a 17th century country house, our family has handed down from mother to daughter for five generations the secrets and tastes of the cuisine of the Parma lowlands.
Since the end of the 19th century, Culatello di Zibello has been produced, matured and served to the few patrons of the time. Today, we are part of Consorzio di Tutela del Culatello di Zibello (Consortium for the Protection of Culatello di Zibello), in order to contribute with our small business to making Culatello and the local cuisine known to our customers. The cellar and the flavours are still the same as they used to be in the past, thanks to continuous research into raw materials and constant quality control and thanks also to the pleasure of the taste that has made Emilian cuisine famous throughout the world.


Consorzio del Culatello di Zibello

Piazza Garibaldi 34, 43016 Polesine Zibello – ITALIA

Phone: +39 0524 99131

VAT 02517320343