The Culatello di Zibello PDO is one of the most precious cold cuts. It represents one of the Italian food excellences and this is why it deserves the title of King of Cold Cuts.
Its intense and rich flavor of nuances, the result of a process that still happens completely by hand, is simply inimitable.
The Culatello di Zibello comes from a strip of land in the southern Parma area that lies along the bank of the great Po River. The climate of this region is characterized by long cold, humid and foggy winters, and hot, torrid and suffocating summers.
This climatic alternation between dry and hot-humid periods is a crucial element that favours the slow curing of culatello, a period during which the distinctive aromas and flavors that have made it famous in the World as a masterpiece of taste, develop and explode.
The authentic Culatello di Zibello PDO has always been produced exclusively in 8 locations in the province of Parma: Zibello, Busseto, Polesine, Soragna, Roccabianca, San Secondo, Sissa and Colorno.
For a long time, Culatello di Zibello and its processing practice remained confined to its area of origin. And for many centuries, it was a fine and delicious product that only a few could afford.
The limited diffusion has allowed the respect of the tradition in the working process, guaranteeing the typicality of the product, which has remained unchanged for centuries.
The first records of the King of Cold Cured Meats date back to around 1300, when the Pallavicino family, who ruled the Bassa at the time, were used to sending a few specimens to the Sforza family of Milan every year. It is then said that, in 1332, on the occasion of the marriage between Andrea dei Conti Rossi and Giovanna dei Conti Sanvitale, the delicious salami was served at the wedding banquet.
Preparing culatello for slicing is a real ritual.
First, the twine is removed completely, and the bladder is washed, taking care to moisten it completely so that it can be removed easily. Then, the yellowed fat surface is trimmed, keeping the fat white and cleaning the lean part of any mould and dark parts.
Afterwards, it is wrapped in a dishcloth soaked in dry white wine, laying it lean side down in a basin for at least a day.
Culatello di Zibello PDO must be cut into very thin slices and, like all the authentic goodnesses, it is perfect to be enjoyed as it is, in all its simplicity.
Consorzio del Culatello di Zibello
Piazza Garibaldi 34,
43016 Polesine Zibello – ITALIA
Phone: +39 0524 99131
VAT 02517320343